Children's ESL Graphic Novels (Comic Books)

ESL Comic Books – A New Approach
These books offer an oral approach for young ESL / EFL students.
They contain high interest stories, written in the graphics novel format that children love. This is very suitable for supplementary study, home school, as well as for summer camps.
Children’s Curriculum Articles
- Teaching the English Alphabet to Children - Books -- Songs -- Teaching Alphabet Elements -- Names and Sounds -- Uppercase and Lowercase -- Shapes and Sounds Teach letter names in lowercase and uppercase. This helps children recognize and familiarize themselves with the …
- Children’s Learning Problems and Suggestions for Helping Them - Wherever you are teaching, it’s likely that you have one or two children who disrupt the class or are withdrawn from the group. These students require extra teacher time. They …
- Tips for Building Confidence in Young Children - Let’s assume you’re teaching rhyming words to your ESL class. Some of the children are interested in your rhyming words lesson but others aren’t participating. Perhaps they are shy, frightened …
- Motivating Young Children to Learn English - Motivating Children in Difficulty or Boring SubjectsLet’s assume that the children have had time to settle into the classroom environment and that you are ready for them to begin the …
- Get Kids Interested and Excited About Learning English - English Foreign Language classes can accelerate learning if they offer exciting stories for the children to enjoy. People of all ages need to be interested in what they are studying. …
- Developing Listening Comprehension in Children - If English Second language children are interested and actively involved in what they are doing, they will learn to understand English. This article will present a type of activity that …
- Building English Language Confidence in Children - Let’s assume you’re teaching rhyming words to your Children’s ESL EFL class. Some of the children are interested in your rhyming words lesson but others aren’t participating. Perhaps they are …
- Choosing a Children’s ESL Curriculum - The first thing that one has to realize when faced with a class of ESL children is that they are not short adults, they are something entirely different. Teaching ESL …
- Suggestions for Cutting Costs in Providing Your Children’s ESL Curriculum - The world has entered a period of difficult times. Millions of people have lost their jobs, companies that have had many years of success are closing their doors and people …

Jambo Goes to the Moon – Graphic Novel Version
Jambo has a very smart brain, that continually gets him into trouble. He is caught and sent to the moon, where even his smart brain is challenged, and all he wants is to go back to his jungle.
The vocabulary learned is reinforced by 4 Picture Bingo games.
We have found that the competition involved in Picture Bingo games is a great stimulus to ESL learning.
Jambo Goes to the Moon has 53 pages, including four colorful Picture Bingo games.
We have found that the competition involved in Picture Bingo games is a great stimulus to ESL learning.
Jambo Goes to the Moon has 53 pages, including four colorful Picture Bingo games.
- Word Bingo Games and Crossword Puzzles.
- 3 books in 1 -- Teacher's Guide, Storybook and Workbook.
- Print as many copies as required

Jambo’s Encounter with Robots – Graphic Novel Version
Jambo goes to sleep and mysteriously wakes up in the Robot City! Here he learns the value of good friends.
Jambo uses his very smart brain to get back to the Jungle.
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- Word Bingo Games and Crossword Puzzles.
- 3 books in 1 -- Teacher's Guide, Storybook and Workbook.
- Print as many copies as required
- Download after purchase
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The Mystery of the .Secret Code – Graphic Novel Version
This edition of The Mystery of the Secret Code is written in a graphics novel format for English Second Language students. The story is adapted from the ESL Storybook, of the same name.
This ESL Mystery Book is appropriate for students aged 8 to 12. It stresses listening, understanding and speaking. The children are encouraged to suggest solutions to the problems that the storybook characters encounter and express their creative ideas.
It is very well suited to summer camp activities or supplementary lessons that stress oral language.
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This ESL Mystery Book is appropriate for students aged 8 to 12. It stresses listening, understanding and speaking. The children are encouraged to suggest solutions to the problems that the storybook characters encounter and express their creative ideas.
It is very well suited to summer camp activities or supplementary lessons that stress oral language.
- Word Bingo Games and Crossword Puzzles.
- 3 books in 1 -- Teacher's Guide, Storybook and Workbook.
- Print as many copies as required
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3 Graphic Novel Bundle @ 24% Off!
Written by: Dr. George Stocker DDS, Daisy Stocker B. Ed., M.Ed.
Modified: 2024-02-03
Published: 2019-07-02
Modified: 2024-02-03
Published: 2019-07-02