Teaching ESL Alphabet to Kindergarten and Preschool
About Our Books
The large print text containing the key words for each letter being introduced and provides an introduction to reading. Reading expectations will vary according to the age of the children. Some will start to read, while many will need to participate in the ESL activities, games and exercises provided. However, the sentences provided on the pages should be read to the children and repeated by the children a number of times. We suggest that the children place a marker under each sentence as they repeat it.
Adapt the instructions for all pages to meet the needs of your students.
Children learn their first language by listening and repeating what they hear. It is important that they have many opportunities to listen to and repeat the English sentences. Although many animals and birds are shown and used as examples of initial letter sounds, the children will not memorize the names of all of these. We suggest that during the listening exercises only, the teacher stress the first sound of each word.
To reinforce the ABCs, explain that each letter has a name, just as they have names and each letter makes a sound.
Teaching ESOL to Children
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- Building English Language Confidence in Children - Let’s assume you’re teaching rhyming words to your Children’s ESL EFL class. Some of the children are interested in your rhyming words lesson but others aren’t participating. Perhaps they are …
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ESL Alphabet Books for Kindergarten/h2>

The Alphabet 1 – A to L
This book introduces the English alphabet from A to L and the numbers from 1 – 10.
This ESL book is for students under 7 years old – also suitable for teaching ABCs to kindergarten
- Student Book – 37 pages
- Student Workbook – 24 pages
- Teacher’s Guide Book – 50 pages
- Glossary — 142 new words
- Suitable for children under 7 – preschool or kindergarten
- Colorful ESL alphabet games and activities – suitable for lamination – use over and over!
- Print as many copies as required
- Download PDF immediately after purchase or order paperback book
Paperback (Amazon)

The Alphabet 2 – M to Z
This book introduces the English alphabet from M to Z. Suitable for children under 7 years.
- Student book – 42 pages
- Teacher’s Guide Book – 30 pages
- Glossary — 153 new words
- Colorful games and activities suitable for lamination – use over and over!
- Colorful ESOL activities and games for teaching ABCx
- Picture Bingo games
- Rhyming words are introduced
- Print as many copies as required
- Download PDF immediately after purchase
Paperback (Amazon)
ESL Animals – A Different Approach to Teaching the ESL Alphabet

Get Both Books for 25% off
Get Book 1 and Book 2 (PDF Download)
Paperbacks (Amazon – Regular Price)

ESL Animals 1 – Alphabet From A To L
This Series offers a unique approach to introducing the English Alphabet to ESL/ESOL students, under 8. Presented in a graphics novel format, it is assumed that children are ready to listen, understand, speak and read a second language. The Student Reader can be used for many classes as the children don’t write in it. This ESL book for students under 7 year olds
- Student ABC book – 31 pages
- The Teacher’s Guide provides 122 pages offering 4 Picture Bingo games plus 4 Tests.
- The Workbook has 33 pages that include listening, phonics, printing and decision making.
- 3 books – Total 196 pages
- Teach the ESL Alphabet for kindergarten or preschool
- Print as many copies as required
- Download PDF immediately after purchase
Paperback (Amazon)
Student Reader - ready for the classroom! The reader introduces the alphabet from A to L with pictures and simple dialogue for ESL role-plays. The children are introduced to their teacher, a panda bear. He explains the names and sounds of the English Alphabet, using key words and animal pictures.
The two storybook characters, George and Elizabeth, introduce themselves. They speak to the children in your class saying, “We have fun.” They then invite everyone in the class to join their adventures. At the end of each chapter George and Elizabeth introduce the next lesson by talking about what they are going to do next.
Children listen, and gain understanding from the colorful pictures, alphabet games, identify beginning sounds from A to L, participate in roleplays and say what they would do if they were part of the story.
Teacher suggestions are provided in small print on each page.
Student Workbook - teaches printing between lines using key word examples. It provides the children with many opportunities to participate with the storybook characters. Alphabet Activities include listening, phonics, printing and decision making. Understanding of the key words is reinforced with colorful pictures. The numbers are introduced with the oral counting of a series of pictures.
Teacher suggestions are provided in small print on each page.
The Teacher Guide - includes 4 Tests (1 test every fourth lesson) and 4 Picture Bingo games that review and reinforce the children’s understanding of the materials taught and include detailed instructions for the teacher.
The is a book1 of 2 - a complete package ready for the classroom!

ESL Animals 2 – Alphabet From M To Z
This Series offers a unique approach to introducing the English Alphabet to ESL/EFL students, aged 7 to 10 years. Presented in a graphics novel format, it is assumed that they are ready to listen, understand, speak and read a second language. The Student Reader can be used for many classes as the children don’t write in it. This ESL book is suitable for children beginning to learn English at ages 8 to 12 years old.
- The Student Reader has 31 colorful pages.
- The Workbook has 34 pages that include listening, phonics, printing and decision making.
- The Teacher’s Guide provides 97 pages.
- The three books comprise 161 pages.
- Fun and engaging graphic novel format
- Colorful ESL alphabet games and ABC activities – suitable for lamination – use over and over!
- Print as many copies as required
- Download PDF immediately after purchase
Paperback (Amazon)

ESL Animals Books 1 & 2 – 25% off
ESL Animals Book 1 – The Alphabet A – L
ESL Animals Book 2 – The Alphabet M – Z
Over 360 pages and 26 fun and engaging lessons with Student Reader, Student Workbook and Teacher Guide
Amazon (Amazon Regular Price)
Modified: 2024-03-07
Published: 2023-02-15