About our Children’s Lesson Plans
These textbooks were designed in cooperation with a Hong Kong company and have been tested in the classroom.
Our Children’s Curriculum now has over 13,000 copies in print!
- Download immediately after purchase.
- Print as many copies as required.
- Suitable for elementary students ESL
- Each book has 14 lesson plans
- Printing and writing practice are incorporated into every lesson.
- Phonics is reinforced with pictures.
- Stories are told in simple rhyming verse.
- Games teach and practice Listening Comprehension
- Role Play and Group Discussions for practicing oral language skills.
Teaching Children ESL Articles
- Teaching the English Alphabet to Children - Books -- Songs -- Teaching Alphabet Elements -- Names and Sounds -- Uppercase and Lowercase -- Shapes and Sounds Teach letter names in lowercase and uppercase. This helps children recognize and familiarize themselves with the …
- Children’s Learning Problems and Suggestions for Helping Them - Wherever you are teaching, it’s likely that you have one or two children who disrupt the class or are withdrawn from the group. These students require extra teacher time. They …
- Tips for Building Confidence in Young Children - Let’s assume you’re teaching rhyming words to your ESL class. Some of the children are interested in your rhyming words lesson but others aren’t participating. Perhaps they are shy, frightened …
- Motivating Young Children to Learn English - Motivating Children in Difficulty or Boring SubjectsLet’s assume that the children have had time to settle into the classroom environment and that you are ready for them to begin the …
- Get Kids Interested and Excited About Learning English - English Foreign Language classes can accelerate learning if they offer exciting stories for the children to enjoy. People of all ages need to be interested in what they are studying. …
- Developing Listening Comprehension in Children - If English Second language children are interested and actively involved in what they are doing, they will learn to understand English. This article will present a type of activity that …
- Building English Language Confidence in Children - Let’s assume you’re teaching rhyming words to your Children’s ESL EFL class. Some of the children are interested in your rhyming words lesson but others aren’t participating. Perhaps they are …
- Choosing a Children’s ESL Curriculum - The first thing that one has to realize when faced with a class of ESL children is that they are not short adults, they are something entirely different. Teaching ESL …
- Suggestions for Cutting Costs in Providing Your Children’s ESL Curriculum - The world has entered a period of difficult times. Millions of people have lost their jobs, companies that have had many years of success are closing their doors and people …
All titles by:
Daisy Stocker B. Ed., M. Ed
Dr. George Stocker DDS
The Children’s ESL Series has an interest level appropriate for children 12 years of age and younger who are learning to understand, speak, read and write English as a second language. Suitable for elementary school classes, English language school or homeschooling.
It is assumed that students have been introduced to the alphabet, beginning consonant sounds, and short vowel sounds. Vocabulary and grammar is introduced sequentially, with each book building on the vocabulary in previous books. Each book includes a glossary of all vocabulary.
Roleplays are an important part of this book. Pictures are provided throughout to facilitate understanding. Reading skills are developed by providing word repetition, phonics and dialogues.
Instructions for teacher or parents are given in the small boxes on each page. It is important that the teacher or parent repeat each question and guide the children’s sentence answers. In this way the children are learning basic sentence structure and grammar.

Childrens ESL – Castles and Things – (3 book set)
The storybook characters encounter Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses. Later they visit a circus. Much of the text is in verse, to teach rhyming words – 3 book set. ESL book for students under 8 years old.
For Parents and Teachers
- Student Reader
- Practice Book and Worksheets
- Teacher’s Guide Book
- Suitable for elementary students ESL classes
- 14 lesson plans
- Colorful ESL games and activities suitable for lamination – use over and over!
- Print as many copies as required
- Download PDF immediately after purchase
PDF Download — Paperback (Amazon)

Visitors From Saturn (3 book set + Video)
The children receive e-mails from aliens on Saturn. They invite them to visit their home on Earth.
Story and practice book for children 8 – 12. Suitable for ESL elementary students, homeschool or language schools
- Student Reader
- Practice Book and Worksheets
- Teacher’s Guide Book
- 14 lesson plans
- Children ESL games and activities
- Role-plays
- Vowels, consonants and consonant blends.
- Short Video with Games
- Colorful Children’s games and activities suitable for lamination – use over and over!
- Print as many copies as required
- Download PDF immediately after purchase
PDF Download Version — Paperback (Amazon)
Visitors from Saturn Video Sample

Adventures in Canada – (3 book set + Video)
The children and their alien friends visit Canada where the aliens try to fish, swim and ski. Story and practice book for children 8 – 23. Includes full instructions for teacher or parent.
ESL book for 8 to 12 year old
- Student Reader
- Practice Book and Worksheets
- Teacher’s Guide Book
- 14 ESL Lesson plans for Kids
- Glossary — 141 new words
- Children’s ESL games, activities and role plays
- Rhyming words and consonant blends.
- Short Video with Games
- Colorful games and activities for kids suitable for lamination – use over and over!
- Print as many copies as required
- Download PDF immediately after purchase
Paperback Version – Amazon
Adventures in Canada Video Sample

The Trip to Saturn – (3 book set)
The children travel through the solar system to Saturn with their alien friends. They visit their aunt, uncle and cousins who live there.
- Student Reader
- Practice Book and Worksheets
- Teacher’s Guide Book
- Includes Video
- 14 Children ESL Lesson Plans
- Glossary — 131 new words
- Colorful ESL games and activities for children – suitable for lamination – use over and over!
- Beginning grammar – nouns, vowel and consonant digraphs and consonant blends.
- Children’s ESL activities and role play
- Suitable for elementary students ESL classes
- Print as many copies as required
- Download PDF immediately after purchase
Trip to Saturn Sample Video

A Dangerous Encounter – (3 book set)
The children encounter the lightspoilers on Saturn but are saved by the Lightwizard. On Saturn, the friends meet many strange beings. They encounter the hostile “lightspoilers” but are saved by a friendly wizard.
ESL book for 8 to 12 year old
Grammar points covered:
- Beginning grammar – verbs
- Vowel and consonant digraphs
- Comparatives
- Punctuation
- Role plays
- consonant blends
- Student Reader
- Practice Book and Worksheets
- Teacher’s Guide Book
- Glossary
- Colorful games and activities suitable for lamination – use over and over!
- Print as many copies as required
- Download PDF immediately after purchase

Mysterious Island – (3 book set)
The teens are shipwrecked on mysterious island! as this program stresses oral communication.
ESL book for 8 to 12 year old
Grammar points covered:
- Nouns
- Verbs
- Punctuation
- Writing sentences
- Student Reader
- Practice Book and Worksheets
- Teacher’s Guide Book
- 14 Lesson Plans
- Colorful children’s games and activities suitable for lamination – use over and over!
- ESL role-play and word bingo games
- Print as many copies as required
- Download PDF immediately after purchase

Lost on Mysterious Island – (3 book set)
The teens are lost on mysterious island! This program stresses children’s oral communication.
ESL book for 8 to 12 year olds
Grammar points covered:
- Nouns
- Verbs
- Punctuation
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
- Writing sentences
- Student Reader
- Practice book and Worksheets – includes independent work reinforcing material in the student book.
- Teacher’s guide – Includes Final Test, test answers and answers to questions in the student book
- Colorful ESL games and activities suitable for lamination – use over and over!
- Includes role-plays and word bingo games
- Print as many copies as required
- Download PDF immediately after purchase
Children’s ESL Textbook Bundle – Save 20%
Modified: 2024-02-26
Published: 2014-10-27
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