Beginner's ESL Lesson Plans and Curriculum

Beginners ESL Lesson Plans - Full Curriculum
20 Beginners ESL Lesson Plans designed for absolute beginners aged 13 and older.
Now with Full Audio and Video – with easy scan QR codes
Our Lesson Plans Part 1 uses a conversational approach to English, stressing communication in a variety of everyday situations.
Reading and writing are included in each lesson, with numerous activities for practice, but listening and speaking are given the greatest emphasis.
Basic grammar is introduced sequentially, then practiced in a variety of oral activities and written exercises.
Explainer video for each lesson
Suitable for Middle School/High School, teens to adult classes
Beginners ESL Lesson Plans - Curriculum - Part 1 Overview
Beginners ESL Curriculum includes 3 Textbooks
- Complete Lesson Plans ready for the classroom
- Student Reader (37 Pages)
- Student Workbook (45 pages )
- Teachers Guide (81 pages)
- 20 lessons
- 5 tests
- 4 reviews
- Glossary
- Download after purchase
Classroom Hours
– 20 lessons. Each lesson provides between one and two hours of classroom time. Times will vary greatly depending on the teacher and students.
- Oral questions
- Small group asking and answering questions then checking the answers provided
- Role-plays
- Picture Bingo
- Memory games
- Greetings using pseudo names
- Asking for addresses and nationalities
- Word Bingo
Grammar Points Covered
- The present tense
- Possessive adjectives
- Contractions
- Object pronouns
- Plurals
- Possessive pronouns
Includes Full Audio and Video
Includes Full Downloadable Audio and Video
Conversational Activities
- Greetings
- Introductions
- The family
- Classmates and friends.

The downloads are perfect. Just what I needed. I am used to having a book, but really for my classes this is better because I can make perfect copies and noone has to buy a book. I really like how professional and well thought out each lesson is. I’ll be back for more, I’m sure.
Germany “shopping” AND pick up my “merchandise” right here in my office. What service! Thanks so much!
B.H. ESL Department Seminario Juan Wesley Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
I have been using your program for 4 weeks now and with great success. Being my first time teaching english I did not really know what to expect, but have found that I really enjoy it very much! A lot of the stress was relieved to not have to create my own program or spend all my time creating lesson plans. I find it easy to use your program and it allows me to move and flex with the needs of the students. I am surprized at how fast the students are learning and have even had many other people in the community ask if I might help them learn English as well. So Thank you again.
A. Mexico
Beginners ESL Lesson plans – Curriculum – Part 1
Beginner’s ESL Curriculum includes 3 Textbooks plus Downloadable Audio
- Student Reader (37 Pages)
- Student Workbook (45 pages )
- Teachers Guide (81 pages)
- Total 183 Pages
- 20 lessons
- 5 tests
- 4 reviews
- Glossary
- Download after purchase
Order Beginners Lesson Plans – Curriculum – Part 1 — Paperback Version
Lesson 2 - Possessive adjectives, reading / writing answers, role-play
Lesson 3 - Role-play, negative – to be, group oral questions- oral / written answers
Lesson 4 - Picture Bingo, contractions – to be, to do, written answers, review, test
Lesson 5 - Listening, role-play, informal introductions, writing sentence answers
Lesson 6 - Role-plays, negative contractions, numbers, self introductions
Lesson 7 - Role-plays, introducing family, formal introductions
Lesson 8 - Oral and written questions, small group work, review, test
Lesson 9 - Possessives, negative – to do, role-plays, written answers
Lesson 10 - Countries and nationalities, preposition oral and written answers
Lesson 11 - Greetings, role-plays, introduction, oral and written work
Lesson 12 - Sentence answers, review, test
Lesson 13 - Numbers to 100, forming plurals, oral and written work
Lesson 14 - Auxiliary verb contractions some – any, oral – written work
Lesson 15 - Object pronouns, role-plays, articles, role-plays
Lesson 16 - Noun plurals, review, test
Lesson 17 - Prepositions, oral and written work
Lesson 18 - Paragraph reading and listening, ordinal numbers, word Bingo
Lesson 19 - Possessive pronouns, prepositions
Lesson 20 - Review, final test Glossary